the deadline of death

the romans, the mayans, the mongols…

entire civilizations minimized to one word in dusty history books.

everything fades, yes, even you.

so why hesitate? why sulk? why seek revenge?

what are you putting off doing out of fear?
what is it costing you?
what if nothing ever changed?
what are you waiting for?

ideally you should do some of these things before you decide to settle down and get 4 credit cards.

and if pure inertia fails, remember…

every problem can be solved through one of these three solutions:

  • accept it
  • change it
  • leave it

if you can’t accept it, change it, if you can’t change it, leave it.

most of life’s hardships come from our inability to make one of these decisions.

so make one.

the millennial.

I’ll see you tomorrow.

today is day 11 of the year, there are 354 days remaining of 2022.



Bianca is a marketer and consultant with over a decade experience in the field. She loves hiking and running (not always from her problems.) Check what she's up to now, or see if she can help you in your business.

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