brain pickings

do it now

whatever brilliant thing you were going to do this year,do it this month. whatever brilliant thing you were going to…

2 years ago

words that make a world

I don't think I've ever looked harder at the world than I have in the last 49 days. I sat…

2 years ago


as time ticks on and I grow more confident in my writing, (albeit manufactured,)I find myself wanting to share these…

2 years ago

my training routine

a lot of work gets done in preparation for a trail race, aside from the physical training itself, you have…

2 years ago

who are you

do you know anyone that:goes to the gym religiously, but takes the car for a 5 minute ride;counts their nutrients,…

2 years ago

Făgăraș Rocks

I'm writing this post 4 days before the race,sitting in an air conditioned room,with a belly joyously full of coffee…

2 years ago


in "How to Win Friends and Influence People" Dale Carnegie said“All men have fears, but the brave put down their…

2 years ago

just because

just because you're smart, beautiful and young,just because you work hard,just because you're privileged, able bodied, European or American,just because…

2 years ago


a quick peruse through my goodreads history will show you that I primarily read non-fiction, marketing, business, biographies, self help……

2 years ago


I've always had an urge to test myself, to take risks, to haunt the edge of possibilities,particularly when it comes…

2 years ago

FYI, by spending time on my site (and any other site, ever) you're giving me, and the powers that be, the right to be all up in your business.