yes, it’s my birthday today. these are 33 short lessons I’ve learned in the 12053 days I’ve graced this earth. (no, I will not elaborate.)
wear sunscreen;
moisturize everything, especially your eyes;
walk, run, bike, climb… move your body, do it barefoot;
eat raw and fresh;
fast regularly;
humor is free, so think funnily because…
nobody is watching, we’re all busy with our own lives;
care less, retirement is a 21st century concept;
care more, live intently;
do small things often, because…
quantity and consistency is better than quality;
choose wisely, pain of discipline or pain of regret;
automate as much as possible;
get 1% better every day;
specialize in following your dreams, not a skill;
dominate 3 skills 25% better than most people;
read 20 pages a day, keep notes;
your brain is for processing not storing information, use it wisely;
go first;
create a morning routine;
polish your thoughts, strive for clarity;
meditate, if only a minute a day;
create, don’t just consume;
emulate your mentors;
if it takes 2 minutes, do it now;
surround yourself with people that put you in check;
surround yourself with cheerleaders;
travel, ask questions, get curios;
you’re living your biography, make sure you enjoy reading it;
call your parents, they miss you;
be fun, have fun, nobody likes a downer;
do the least harm.
don’t listen to me, what do I know?
I’ll see you tomorrow.
today is day 262 of the year, there are 103 days remaining of 2022
Bianca Dămoc
Bianca is a marketer and consultant with over a decade experience in the field. She loves hiking and running (not always from her problems.) See what she's up to now, or see if she can help you in your business.